Sleepbox – Funny Hotel Pods from Russia

The Sleepbox
The Sleepbox
Russian architects continue to surprise. This time it is the Moscow based studio Arch Group who has come up with an interesting mobile hotel pods called the Sleepbox.

Basically it is a small hotel room that can be placed anywhere, but the place that makes most sense is airports. In fact, one of Russia’s biggest airports – Sheremetyevo – has just opened its first Sleepboxes.

The pods are created in various designs ranging from plywood to metal.

The Arch Group is presenting their new product as a potential business proposal. A single sleepbox costs only $7,000 and with projected night rates of $60 it’s an investment that, depending on the location, can recoup itself in 6 to 9 months.

Sleepbox pods can also be placed in unused commercial premises creating a hotel in a matter of days. Anyone’s got an unused hangar in their backyard?

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