Green Products: Condensate Systems–What You Need To Know

Condensate systems include inter-related pumps which are used to condense the steam into water due to the increase in pressure or reduction in temperature. The systems are made in a way that removes the condensate which in this case is the water to provide a moisture free environment.


These systems are mainly used in the paper industry where they are coupled with a steam system. Both the steam and condensate system are joined with the paper machine. The paper being produced is dried using these systems. Specific temperature is provided so that the steam may convert into water vapours which can then be removed from the system. This results in the drying of the paper. Condensate systems are also used in other industries.

Relying Jobs:

Employees working in print media, paper and other similar companies rely on these systems to function properly. The paper will not be sold if water moisture greater then a certain percentage is retained within the paper. The paper should be dried at optimal levels before being dispatched. Consequently, the whole paper industry is based on the efficiency of these systems.

Water Boosting Pumps

Water boosting pumps are specifically used when the pressure of the water is to be increased. This is required because the water coming from the main pipes doesn’t withhold a lot pressure and for proper utilization, high pressure is required.


Water boosting pumps are widely in the agricultural sector. The high pressure water is used so that the water can move with speed and spread throughout the farm. If the booster pumps are not used, the low pressure and low speed the water may not reach the end of the farm land and get seeped into the ground halfway through, leading to problems.

They’re also used in fire departments where high pressure water is required to be aimed at longer distances. This helps to ensure the speed of the fire stays in control.

Relying Jobs:

Staff working in agriculture and fire departments and companies relies on the functionality of water boosting pumps. Apart from controlling the speed of water, they also ensure the safety of workers.

Boiler Pump
Boiler Pump

Boiler feed systems

Boiler feed system consists of connecting boiler feed pumps. The function is to continually maintain the flow of the feed water into the boilers where it is converted into steam. The boiler contains pressurized water and it is the job of the boiler feed pump to maintain the level of the water in the boiler. In the end, the produced steam is used for heating purposes.


Boiler feed pumps making the boiler feed systems are utilized in various multiple industries, with fuel industry being a major consumer. The heat produced from the boilers can be used to run the machinery in the fuel industry.

Relying Jobs

If the boiler feed pump fails to function properly, other machinery which depends on the heat produced by the boiler is affected, which affects employees working with machinery across different micro-verticals and bigger industries.

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