Idea for a Green Wall – Moss Tile

Here’s an interesting idea for those who are thinking about building a green wall as part of the interior. We’ve already looked at some green wall designs for the façade of a building. What about interiors?

MOSStile Close-up
MOSStile Close-up

Italian company Benetti Stone Philosophy famous for their modern stone tiles has developed the MOSStile – a tile covered with stabilised moss. It means that the moss won’t grow or reproduce. It doesn’t need feeding or watering. The only pre-requisite is that the humidity is not below 50%. It makes it ideal for a bathroom (or in fact any room if you’re living in England). Although the moss is guaranteed for 12 months, if the humidity is maintained, the MOSStile will last longer.

Green Wall Interior
Green Wall Interior

It may sound a bit gross to some people, well, I mean you’ve all seen the moss on the roof tiles and I bet you don’t exactly want any of that stuff on your bathroom walls, right? However, with the clever process of stabilisation, the moss becomes inactive and it won’t spread spores. Also, they don’t carry any bacteria. Because the product has no electrostatic charge so it will attract insignificant amount of dust. You can occasionally clean it with a gentle stream of air (a reversible hoover will do).

There is obviously no environmental benefit in having moss on your walls, however, you must admit that these tiles look great. Compared to other green wall options, the MOSStile may be better suited for busy individuals because (unlike some other wall types) this is virtually maintenance-free.

Pics by Benetti Tiles

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