What Will You Do for the Earth Hour?

It’s just 10 days till this year’s “Earth Hour”. It’s another attempt to draw attention to the ever growing environmental problems. This action was initiated by the WWF in 2007 as a way to raise awareness. This the Earth Hour will be observed from the outer space for the first time.

Pictured is a satellite snapshot of a normal night on Earth. You can see all the bright dots – those are cities and urban areas that contribute to light pollution and waste energy. The majority of people sleep during the night, so ask yourself – do you really need that much light while you’re sleeping?

Light Pollution
Light Pollution

When is Earth Hour?

In the UK it happens at 8.30pm GMT, 31 March 2012. All you have to do to take part is switch off every light and appliance that you control.

This year the WWF launches a new challenge “I Will if You Will” aimed at teaching people to be more eco-friendly in their everyday lives. The idea is simple – people challenge others by offering to do something crazy/dangerous/scary/amazing if others would do something good for the environment. One girl has posted a challenge: I’ll propose to my boyfriend if 10,000 people commit to recycling in 2012. That’s for a scary challenge. What’s yours? Have a look at their youtube channel to find out more.

And don’t forget to switch off your lights on March 31!

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