How To Reduce Your Emissions by 64%

Green Home + Green Car
Green Home + Green Car
You asked for an example of an eco-living idea actually working? Here’s how it works. A Swedish family has reduced their emissions by 64% in 3 months living in an eco-friendly house and driving an electric car.

They were a part of an experiment launched by Volvo Cars in January this year. They wanted to prove that people can reduce their daily CO2 emissions. In Sweden each person is estimated to contribute around 7 tons of CO2 per year. That’s quite a huge amount if you think about it.

The goal of the Volvo experiment is to show that it is possible to live quality lifestyle emitting just one tonne of CO2. So far it seems quite hard to do.

The Lindells were given a hi-tech eco home equipped with photovoltaics, wind generator and all sorts of green gadgets and energy saving devices. They also swapped their gas guzzler for a brand new Volvo C30 electric car.

You can follow their progress on and maybe pick a tip or two on how to make your own daily life a little bit greener.

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