Eco-Friendly Lightbulb Competition Results

The previous competition by Green Home Design had a set of eco-friendly light bulbs for a prize. The question was – how many mature trees does it take to produce one tonne of paper. The right answer is – approximately 18. It’s terrible, isn’t it? Makes you wanna do more recycling. Anyway, you can get more paper consumption statistics here. As for the competition, I’d like to thank everyone for taking part and giving me the feedback. I’ve selected two winners at random (using a self-made php utility) so if you don’t find your name here, blame php, don’t blame me 🙂

The winners are: Pam from Stourport and Mr John Owen. Pam has already received her prize and I hope she’s enjoying her new energy saving light bulbs. With John it proved to be more difficult. I still haven’t heard back from him, therefore I cannot send out his prize. If you’re John Owen and you’re reading this, go to the About page and send me a note. I’ll give it another week and if there’s no sight of him, I’ll pick another winner or give the bulbs to charity.

Watch this space! A new competition is coming up shortly.

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