5 Quick Steps to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Washing Machine

We’re always looking for ways to cost-cut around the home – buying non-brand alternatives from the supermarket, switching the TV off at the mains at the end of the evening – but there are plenty of other, simple ways to reduce your energy consumption and carbon footprint all at the same time. Who knew saving the world could be so easy?

1. Boil what you need

This is one that most of us are probably guilty of – putting too much water in the kettle when you want a cuppa, then get distracted and have re-boil it several times before you even get around to brewing your tea bag. We’ve all been there, but it’s worth only boiling enough water for what you need, and not filling it up unless you’ve got a house-full to do a round for.

2. Socket timers

Sometimes we do fall asleep in bed with the telly still on, only to wake up to Peter Griffin singing Bird is the word at us at 4am. Not exactly the best wake up call, and not exactly an energy saver if this ends up becoming a habit. If you must fall asleep to the sound of the TV gently buzzing in the background, invest in a socket timer so that it gets turned off after you’ve drifted off.

3. Refrain from multi-tasking

This new obsession of telling the world of Twitter exactly what you think of everything as it’s happening is one that can’t be good for our energy bills. OK, so Louise and Spencer got it on in Made in Chelsea – but do you really need a 140 character rant about it? Switch the laptop off, sit back and relax with a glass of wine – you won’t have to charge your computer so often and your co-workers won’t already know what you think of said scandal, giving you more to talk about the next morning.

4. Fully loaded

Most of the energy used in washing machines and tumble driers is when they’re heating up – do loads back-to-back to save on this process and you’ll save on the pennies too. The only set-back here for those without families is that it might take you a while to accumulate enough for a full-load.

5. Cover up

In the winter, we curl up under a blanket to keep us all cosy and warm – try translating this to your water tank to keep the water insulated for longer. By doing this, your water will stay warmer for longer and will reduce the need to waste energy heating up again.

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