I’ve always thought that the art and design reaches the highest level if it has a story behind it to support it and give it an essence.
Unless an architect has a vision, there’s no way the building will speak and interact with its inhabitants and the surrounding landscape.
The 25Hours Hotel HafenCity in Hamburg, Germany is one of those success stories that simply sweeps you off your feet. It’s like a pop-art exhibition within a hotel, which stands in the epicentre of HafenCity, which in its turn is a city within a city – a new concept that will make Hamburg stand out.
As I’m constantly looking for ways that people have used green materials in an interesting way, the first thing I noticed was the reclaimed wood panels, recycled freight conainers, old piping and other green stuff that some people are simply discarding.
But don’t let me digress from the main story behind this budget designer hotel. It is based on 25 real-life stories heard from real sailors in the famous Hamburg port’s taverns. Each of the 25 designer hotel’s rooms is an illustration to a particular sea-story.
The hotel is a wonderful mix of industrial design with warm and mellow wood and reclaimed furniture of the past decades.
When I say budget designer hotel, I mean that prices start from 99EUR, which is rather low for a designer hotel. So if you happen to be in Hamburg and fancy a good seaman’s story, pop into the 25Hours Hotel.