School of Design at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has created this wonderful range of eco-friendly lamps from… ehm, recycled advertising banners. Judging from the picture it is vinyl or something else plasticky. Although vinyl as such is not a green material, consider that without reusing, the majority of advertising banners would end up in a landfill.
The lamp-stands are reused as well – picked up from junk stores and charity shops. And to top it all, of course, energy saving light bulbs are used.
As a design object, Living Pixel tells a story, its not a usual lighting object. When turned off, it almost merges with the background and poses as a non-pretentious design element. Turn it on and it will start shining in multiple colours. It looks like a living organism and it livens up the room.
The secret behind the wonderful metamorphosis is the fact that ad banners are white from one side. On the lamps this white side is up, however, the material is semi-transparent and once you turn it on, the coloured side (the one that faces the bulb) starts emitting the colour.
Living Pixels is a wonderful example of how a sophisticated design can work together with an eco-friendly agenda.