
A bamboo plantation is usually sustainable because the stems mature and harden in some 3 years while a tree takes 50 or more years to mature. Although many list bamboo as a green material, there are some things you need to consider before going for bamboo flooring. The majority of bamboo flooring products will be engineered material – i.e. man-hours and energy (think fossil fuel) has gone into making it.

The usual method of creating bamboo products is to cut the stems in slices, boil them in acid and glue together under pressure. Another method is to grate the stems into fine fibres, weave them and again – glue them into planks. If the glue is based on formaldehydes, the bamboo flooring is not green… it is dangerous. Also consider that some bamboo plantations in China are contributing to deforestation and violating the natural habitat of Pandas. Besides it clocks thousands of miles before it arrives to Europe. I’ll say that bamboo flooring has a potential to be green if it is certified and comes from a known source. Price per square metre – £25. Ask the salesperson whether the planks are formaldehyde free before you buy it.

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