Functional Design Made from… Junk

Jane Atfield 1995
Jane Atfield 1995

It is amazing what a man can make from any old bit of material that lies around. Do you want an extra motivation to start sorting and recycling your junk?

One of the first attempts to create furniture from PET bottles in the UK was the 1995 effort of Jane Atfield. Her simple RPC-2 children’s chair is still regarded as inspiration by other designers.

Richard Liddle from Cohda designs UK makes unique chairs from recycled PET bottles. It’s not the idea that is unique, it’s the execution. Each item made by Cohda is one of a kind. It is a somewhat loud protest against mass-scale production.

Cohda Chair
Cohda Chair

Droog Rag Chair knows their way around chairs too. As the name suggests, the chairs are made from recycled clothing. Not exactly haute design but I can see it fitting into certain types of interior. Talking about clothing, I have to nudge our local councils again. Many councils don’t provide a facility to recycle textiles – one of the most valuable junk material.

However, the development of recycling industry is driven by us customers. We have to accept the reuse of material as the philosophy of a new era to encourage companies and councils.

Droog Rag Chair
Droog Rag Chair

It is entirely up to you whether to choose a product that has travelled thousands of miles from a country that is one of the worst pollutants ever or to choose something that is made locally from material that you have contributed.

It would be a shame to see the abundance of perfectly usable material going into landfill when it can serve again and again.

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