College Saves $33,000 on Energy a Year

If you knew how to save $33,000 on energy every year, would you keep the secret? Morrisville State College in the USA certainly won’t keep the secret. They have just created a Renewable Energy Training Centre where they will teach the students about many ways to harness the alternative energy and live carbon-free.

The Centre is a fine example of how green energy works for large buildings. They have a functioning 120 foot wind turbine producing 25 KWh of electricity every day. But you cannot surprise anyone with a wind turbine these days. How about an anaerobic digester – a system that turns manure and organic waste into clean methane?

College buildings and greenhouses use a high-tech biodiesel processor to back-up their energy consumption in case there is no wind and no manure.

People who are running the college believe in what they are doing. They are sure that renewable energy units pay for themselves pretty quickly. There is an active interest in college’s new educational Centre – green energy is still an untapped resource, we keep learning new things almost every day.

5 Comments on “College Saves $33,000 on Energy a Year”

  1. Every government should focus more on Alternative Energy so as not to be too dependent on Oil and avoid air pollution too.

  2. Green energy is very important. That’s why we have to concentrate on using hydrogen and other alternative energy sources.

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