Black and White to Accentuate a Colour

Pastel Background
Pastel Background

Black and White Background
Black and White Background
If you’re not chromophobic, you might wish to try to liven up your interior a little bit. We in Britain are gradually resorting to a sterile hospital-like environment.

All white and no fun 🙁 This is mostly due to the growing number of buy-to-let properties that are always finished to the same standard to save money and allow for tenants who hate bright colours.

We weren’t like this, you know. We used to like vibrant colours and sumptuous interiors. Some of us might feel that it’s time to bring the colour back.

A good way to accentuate a colour is to introduce a black and white element in the interior. Certain combinations can clash or even render each other invisible. Black and white can bring multiple colours in a balance.

Look at the pictures – the black and white background makes the colours more vivid. It pertains to décor elements of different sizes. Especially the green looks lighter on the stripy background – although it is the same intensity as on the first picture.

For example, if you have colourful walls, it will rarely improve the interior if you bring in colourful furniture, while a nice black and white furniture set can make the whole room look gorgeous!

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